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Guidelines on transporting a child or young person in your car

Topics: Trips, events and travel Type: Best practice

This briefing highlights best practice for adults when transporting children to and from sporting activities.

Safe sport events, activities and competitions

Topics: Trips, events and travel Type: Tools

This resource will help you to meet the safeguarding responsibilities for your event and to promote the wellbeing of all the young participants, volunteers and officials.

Safeguarding at events – weather considerations

Topics: Trips, events and travel Type: Best practice

This briefing outlines the issues arising from bad weather conditions prior to and during an event, which assist in your decision-making.

Risk-assessment template for activities

Topics: Trips, events and travel Community and school sports Type: Forms

A risk-assessment template to help you identify the risks and implement appropriate controls to help ensure a safe environment at your activity.

Heatwave advice

Topics: Trips, events and travel Athlete wellbeing Type: Best practice

Good-practice guidance from the NHS on heat health. It lists risks and actions to consider when planning sports events.

Safety checklist for overnight trips and international travel

Topics: Trips, events and travel Type: Forms

An essential safety checklist for sports organisations that are planning trips away overnight and internationally. 

Lost/found child form

Topics: Trips, events and travel Type: Forms

A sample form to be used when a child goes missing or is found alone at a sports event.

Events held in public parks and spaces – additional safeguarding considerations

Topics: Trips, events and travel Type: Best practice

Running events in public spaces can present a variety of additional safeguarding challenges, including security and photography. This briefing will help your organisation identify and address potential issues.

Event safeguarding checklist

Topics: Trips, events and travel Type: Forms

A planning checklist for sports organisations to ensure they meet all their safeguarding requirements when running events and activities for children and young people.

Away day trips

Topics: Trips, events and travel Type: Best practice

This briefing highlights things that should be considered when taking children and young people away on trips – such as travel, ratios and insurance.