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Preventing abuse in positions of trust in sport and activity

Topics: Inappropriate or concerning behaviour Type: Best practice

These briefing papers explain positions of trust in sport and dance and outline the legislation which was updated in June 2022 in response to the NSPCC's Close the Loophole campaign.

Safe use of changing facilities

Topics: Safe use of changing facilities Type: Best practice

This briefing provides guidance on how to safeguard children and young people when they are using changing facilities, and includes recommended levels of adult supervision and examples of changing room policies.

Protecting children from grooming and sexual abuse

Topics: Athlete wellbeing Inappropriate or concerning behaviour Type: Best practice

Advice about reducing the risk of the grooming process taking place to prevent children from being sexually harmed.

Supervising children and young people's sport and activities

Topics: Supervision ratio Type: Best practice

This briefing offers guidance on appropriate staffing and supervision ratios of adults to participants when planning and running sports activities.

Guidelines on transporting a child or young person in your car

Topics: Trips, events and travel Type: Best practice

This briefing highlights best practice for adults when transporting children to and from sporting activities.

Safeguarding at events – weather considerations

Topics: Trips, events and travel Type: Best practice

This briefing outlines the issues arising from bad weather conditions prior to and during an event, which assist in your decision-making.

Positions of trust – FAQs about the changes

Topics: Duty of care Inappropriate or concerning behaviour Safe recruitment Type: Best practice

We have put together a document to answer your frequently asked questions about this change to the law regarding positions of trust. 

Heatwave advice

Topics: Trips, events and travel Athlete wellbeing Type: Best practice

Good-practice guidance from the NHS on heat health. It lists risks and actions to consider when planning sports events.

Duty of care in sport

Topics: Duty of care Type: Best practice

The purpose of this briefing paper is to clarify what an organisation's duty of care entails, and to provide some guidance as to what steps can be taken in order to demonstrate that this duty is being met.

Working together to safeguard children

Topics: Case management Safeguarding standards Type: Best practice

Working together to safeguard children, statutory guidance on inter-agency working to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.