Changes to 'Welfare Officer Training - Time to Listen' workshop

Last updated: 03 Jul 2023 Topics: Safeguarding children Safer recruitment

Welfare Officer Training - Time to Listen is a course for Club Welfare Officers (CWOs) who have attended a previous Safeguarding and Protecting Children (SPC) workshop. The 3-hour course helps CWOs to: 

  • learn how their role works with others to create a child safe environment 
  • understand how their role fits into a wider safeguarding network
  • apply this learning to case studies  

The course was previously designed and managed by CPSU. However, as of Monday 3rd July, the workshop will be managed by UK Coaching, a learning and development agency.  

Why is this change being made?  

UK Coaching are a professional learning agency that are set up to deliver training courses. They have the facilities and platforms available to make the Welfare Officer Training workshop an exceptional experience for all involved. At CPSU, our capacity to manage this workshop is limited. We are first and foremost safeguarding experts, so our role is best suited to Subject Matter Experts.  

We have an existing relationship with UK Coaching as designated experts for their SPC course. Moving forward, we will also act as the experts for the Welfare Officer Training workshop. This workshop is likely to follow the same delivery and tutor model as the SPC course, and if organisations are currently licensed partners for SPC, there will also be an opportunity to add this workshop to this license.  

How is the Welfare Officer Training workshop delivered?

The Welfare Officer Training workshop can be run by UK Coaching or by an organisation who is licensed by UK Coaching to run the workshop themselves. Planning of the course will happen in conjunction with UK Coaching. Organisations are also able to advertise the workshop themselves or through the CPSU website.

When booking a UK Coaching Welfare Officer Training workshop, prior learning is still necessary. CWOs are required to attend the SPC course or equivalent.

Is it still possible to personalise the course?  

UK Coaching will still provide a service to tailor the course to a certain sport. There will be a fee for this service. Any organisations which already have sport specific Time to Listen slides will need to discuss a review with UK Coaching.  

Who will be responsible for assuring the quality of Welfare Officer Training tutors?  

UK Coaching uses self-employed tutors, and whilst UK Coaching quality assures each course, they cannot quality assure tutors. It is down to organisations running the courses to continue to be responsible for employing and quality assessing tutors.  

Similarly to the SPC course, when booking a non-licensed course, organisations can choose their tutor on the UK Coaching workforce. Organisations can also recruit that tutor and deliver as a licensed partner if preferred.  

Will tutors be required to reapply for their tutoring role?  

UK Coaching tutors are currently undergoing an employment process. Licensed partner tutors can continue as before, and organisations can also apply to become a licensed partner. There is no fee for this.  

Is there an opportunity to become a tutor?  

CPSU will not be running further tutor orientations, but it will be possible to onboard new tutors once UK Coaching has taken over the delivery of the course. Existing tutors trained by the CPSU will not be able to train members within their own national governing body. Only UK Coaching will be able to train new tutors.  

Who can I contact moving forward?  

Whether you want to clarify license agreements, understand how the course can work for your specific sport, or learn about the costs and timescales of courses, UK Coaching Support is here to help with any queries about Welfare Officer Training - Time to Listen. You can email to get in touch.