Safe Sports Events Management Tool

All children and young people have the right to enjoy their sport safely. This applies whether playing in a local park, with a local club or representing their school, county, region or country.

This online tool will help you to meet the safeguarding responsibilities for your event. You do not necessarily need to work through each section of the tool – simply identify which parts are relevant to you and work through these at the appropriate level.

The content is taken from the Child Protection in Sport Unit's guidance, Safe sport events, activities and competitions.

You can save your progress using the button below – it will generate a unique hyperlink which will bring you back to your saved overview.

You can also listen to our podcast safeguarding at sports events where we discuss the safeguarding needs of different sized events and talk about what to do before, during and after the event. 

We also offer Safer Sports Events training which is a one-day virtual training course with our specialists. 

Download information packGet our full information pack with everything you need to know

Select a level for your event below ?

The basics >

Areas covered:
  • Safeguarding plans
  • Partnership Check and Challenge tool
  • Lead safeguarding roles
  • Policies and procedures
  • 0/4

Creating a safe environment >

Areas covered:
  • Codes of conduct
  • Risk assessment
  • Ratios
  • Missing participants
  • Registration and consents
  • Medical information
  • Security
  • 0/7

Roles and responsibilities >

Areas covered:
  • Recruitment, employment and deployment
  • Responsibilities of children, young people, parents and carers
  • Basic requirements of staff and volunteers with safeguarding responsibility
  • 0/3