The Melanoma Fund launch Sunguarding course

Last updated: 07 May 2024 Topics: Safeguarding children

The Melanoma Fund has developed a new, free online sun and heat protection course for the sports and outdoor sector.

Michelle Baker, CEO Melanoma Fund said:

"In light of the rising incidence of skin cancer in the UK, and the growing frequency of extreme heat during summer months, it is imperative for the sports and outdoor recreation sector to proactively 'sunguard' outdoor activities.

"This becomes even more pressing considering the heightened expectations from UK Sport to national governing bodies to demonstrate a robust commitment to health and safety protocols. With existing endorsements from these organisations, our materials are well positioned to provide an effective solution". 

About the Sunguarding courses

This accessible online course outlines sun safety standards and includes sun safety education and skin cancer prevention guidance. It has been designed for those who work with anyone outdoors. The Sunguarding course provides knowledge and skills to mitigate the risks of UV exposure, ensuring the safety and wellbeing of leaders and participants.

The course has been created by experts and in collaboration with leading universities and national governing bodies of sport. The course is accredited by CIMSPA and the Institute of Outdoor Learning

For further information and to access the course visit Sunguarding – sun and heat protection for sports and outdoor recreation.

About the Melanoma Fund

The Melanoma Fund is the UK's leading provider of sun protection resources for individuals, sports groups and outdoor clubs. Their mission is 'empowering active lifestyles, protecting against skin cancer' and this is achieved via awareness, education and prevention.


Further information