This week is Celebrating Neurodiversity Week 2025, and in this blog Samantha talks about the importance of taking a strengths-based approach to sport and to safeguarding.
This week is Celebrating Neurodiversity Week 2025, and in this blog Samantha talks about the importance of taking a strengths-based approach to sport and to safeguarding.
In this blog, Cerri talks about why it was important to bring young people into the conversation at the Wales Safeguarding Support Forum and hear from them directly.
Safeguarding leads from NGBs met with Sport Welfare Officers from Active Partnerships for a collaboration event aimed at strengthening support for club welfare officers.
The delivery of the 'Welfare Officer Training - Time to Listen' workshop is moving from CPSU to UK Coaching.
We talked about how the LADO role plays an integral part in safeguarding children in sport.
Children’s Coaching Collaborative (CCC) have launched their Play Their Way resource hub to transform children's coaching.
The final report of the Whyte Review into mistreatment within gymnastics.
The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse has launched its final report which details the extent of child sexual abuse in the UK and the need for strengthening of safeguarding provisions.
Following the publication of the Sheldon report into non-recent child sexual abuse in football, the sports sector will be looking at what learning we can take from the report and its recommendations.
Commissioned by The FA, this report follows an independent review into allegations of non-recent child sexual abuse in football.