Sport England – Uniting the Movement

Last updated: 21 Jan 2022 Topics: Safeguarding standards Involving children and young people

Sport England's 10-year strategy, Uniting the Movement, has a vision to transform lives and communities through sport and physical activity.

Through this strategy, Sport England wants to rebuild and reimagine sport, movement and physical activity within people’s lives.

Authors: Sport England
Published: 2021

The focus

The 3 key objectives of the strategy are:

  • advocating for movement, sport and physical activity
  • joining forces on 5 big issues
  • creating the catalyst for change

The 5 big issues, mentioned above, are huge challenges faced by many and require collaborative work to address.

Recover and reinvent – recovering from the biggest crisis in a generation and reinventing as a vibrant, relevant and sustainable network of organisations providing sport and physical activity opportunities that meet the needs of different people.

Connecting communities – focusing on sport and physical activity’s ability to make better places to live and bring people together.

Positive experiences for children and young people – unrelenting focus on positive experiences for all children and young people as the foundations for a long and healthy life.

Connecting with health and wellbeing – strengthening the connections between sport, physical activity, health and wellbeing, so more people can feel the benefits of, and advocate for, an active life.

Active environments – creating and protecting the places and spaces that make it easier for people to be active.


Visit the Sport England website to learn more about Uniting the Movement and to read the strategy in full.

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