NWG Sport England Launch Event

This in-person launch event, hosted by Sport England and NWG, presents survivor and lived experience voice resources.

Date: 17 September 2024
Time: 9:30am - 3:30pm
Location: Pentahotel Reading, Oxford Road, Reading, RG1 7RH
Book your place: visit the NWG registration page

What’s covered

This event launches resources that seek to educate and raise awareness about the long-term impacts of abuse, and to support those in positions of trust to understand and address behavioural effects.

The event is open to all Safeguarding Board Champions, Welfare Officers, Safeguarding leads, coaches, instructors, training organisations, heads of NGB’s, all sport and leisure facility providers, and active partnerships.

An agenda for the day can be found on NWG's website.

Further information

The NWG Network is a charitable organisation formed as a UK network of over 14,500 practitioners who disseminate information to professionals working on the issue of child exploitation (CE) and trafficking within the UK.

Sport England's vision is to transform lives and communities through sport and physical activity, driven by Uniting the Movement, a 10-year strategy of change.