This guidance details the purpose, knowledge and skills required for an Investigator role. An investigation is required as part of a sport's organisations safeguarding and child protection case management process.
Help, advice and guidance to support sports organisations with safer recruitment processes and procedures, from advertising and interviewing through to induction.
This guidance highlights what you need to consider when recruiting chaperones to provide care for children and young people at training, events and competitions.
Prior to recruiting to your chosen role, it’s important to plan and prepare for the hiring process, so that your organisation's values and ethos is clear.
Key safeguarding roles and responsibilities
There are various safeguarding roles in sport and physical activity depending on the organisation and context.
How to involve children and young people
The planning required to engage and involve children and young people will vary depending on the size of your organisation, your budget and how you would like to include them.
The NSPCC helpline is a free service available to adults to seek advice or report safeguarding concerns. The service is open to all adults, including parents and professionals.
Recruiting, training and supporting staff and volunteers
It is important to recruit and train the right people to work with children and young people within your club, activity or organisation.
There are many possible outcomes of a case management process. Each case needs to be considered to assess the most suitable outcome. Case management tool part 7 of 8.