New sports safeguarding tools

Last updated: 31 Aug 2022 Topics: Safeguarding children

Over the past few months, we’ve been working on making improvements to our sport safeguarding tools – and the first of these are now ready to use.

We have developed the sports safeguarding tools in a new format to make it easier for you to make sure you are doing all you can to keep children safe in sport.

The new tools make it much easier to save your progress and to write notes for yourself to keep track of what you need to do to complete each step. At any time, you can download or print a detailed summary of what you have accomplished, to share with your organisation.

Self-assessment tools

No matter how big or small your organisation is, our self-assessment tools will help you ensure you have everything in place to make your sport or physical activity safe and fun for children and young people.

Essential safeguarding self-assessment tool

This tool is designed for independent and community sport and physical activity providers to make sure they’ve got all the bases covered when it comes to safeguarding and protecting children. Register to get started!

Extended safeguarding self-assessment tool

Designed for affiliated sports organisations, this tools will take you through the Standards for safeguarding children in sport, developed by the CPSU with assistance from sporting organisations. Register to get started!

What else is new?

You may have noticed some other changes on the CPSU website, designed to make it easier for you to quickly find the information and resources that you’re looking for. One of the most obvious changes is that our main menu now has drop-downs to link you to the key content in each area.

We’re also improving our Resource library to highlight the most popular content. When you select a topic, you’ll now see a highlight box pointing you to the key resources as well as extended coverage of many topics.

Behind the scenes, we’re improving our search function to make sure you get the most relevant results for what you’re searching for.

We’d love to hear your feedback on these changes or any other comments you may have about the website. Please use our online contact form to let us know your thoughts.

Further information

You can find out more about the tools on our sports safeguarding tools introduction page or dive right in and register to use the tools straight away.