Our reporting concerns procedure flowchart outlines the safeguarding reporting procedure to follow in an affiliated sports organisation.
The flowchart is to be used to guide your actions when any concern is raised about behaviour towards a child or young person; for example, by a member of staff, coach or volunteer.
The flowchart highlights:
- what to do if child is in immediate risk of harm or danger
- the reporting process for lower-level concerns
- the reporting process for possibly child abuse and criminal offence
- key considerations
- possible outcomes
- timeline of when actions should be completed by
Related resources
- Case management tool - provides links to a range of guidance, templates and good-practice examples to help your organisation manage safeguarding cases
- Putting safeguards in place - reporting and recording concerns
If you’re worried about a child, you can contact the free NSPCC helpline service by phone on 0808 800 5000, or at any time by email: help@nspcc.org.uk.