A recorded webinar on eating disorders and disordered eating in young people in sport. It looks at ways of identifying and managing potential eating problems.
Developed just for parents, this is our one-stop shop for advice, information, e-learning, videos and other resources for them to help keep children and young people safe in sport.
This flowchart has been developed to support safe event planning for level-3 School Games. The information is intended to complement the detailed guidance, Safe sports events, activities and competitions (SSE).
Our Help and Advice section has hub pages on specific safeguarding topics, which provide an overview, guidance and a list of resources. This page covers how you can safeguard and include deaf and disabled children and young people in your organisation.
You can adapt this mental health and wellbeing sample statement to support your sports organisation's existing safeguarding policies and to demonstrate your commitment to protecting young people’s mental health and wellbeing.
This flowchart has been developed to support safe event planning for inter-school competition (level 2). The information is intended to complement the detailed guidance, Safe sport events, activities and competitions (SSE).
A template safeguarding policy statement for organisations to use and adapt to make it clear to staff, parents and children what you will do to keep children safe.
Running events in public spaces can present a variety of additional safeguarding challenges, including security and photography. This briefing will help your organisation identify and address potential issues.
Guidance to help sports clubs and organisations risk assess any safeguarding concerns around the membership of people with criminal records. This briefing paper highlights what needs to be done to ensure decisions made are fair and safe.
May 2011. The University of Edinburgh/NSPCC Centre for UK-wide Learning in Child Protection (CLiCP) carried out a three year research study of young adults' childhood experiences of emotional harm, body image, self harm, sexual harm and physical harm in organised sport. Three published reports provide a headline summary, a longer overview and the full in-depth research findings.
In this podcast, we talk to the LTA about how they’ve developed and delivered on their last safeguarding strategy and what improvements it’s made to the experiences of young athletes in their sport.