Making safe and fair decisions about membership

Last updated: 28 Mar 2018 Topics: Case management

This practical guide is designed to help NGBs understand their legal rights and responsibilities and best practice when a criminal record of an existing member of a governing body comes to light.

It's aimed at national governing bodies (NGBs) of sport and is primarily set within the context of the legal arrangements in England and Wales.

This publication looking at Making safe and fair decisions about membership for people with criminal records (PDF) has been produced by Nacro’s Employer Advice Service in conjunction with the CPSU.  

What's covered

  • what the law says
  • what to do if a criminal record comes to light - spent and unspent
  • gathering relevant information
  • assessing the risks involved
  • reviewing policies and procedures

Editable forms 

Further information


Download Making safe and fair membership decisions guidance from the Nacro website.

About Nacro

Nacro is a social justice charity that houses and supports vulnerable people and offers education and skills for young people outside of mainstream schooling.

They help people in custody and the community to reintegrate into society by supporting people to overcome barriers presented by their criminal records and to move on from previous mistakes.

Find out more on Nacro's website.

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