More topics:

Lost or found child form

Topics: Trips, events and travel Type: Forms

A sample form to be used when a child goes missing or is found alone at a sports event.

New starter induction checklist

Topics: Safe recruitment Type: Forms

An induction checklist to help a new starter / volunteer settle in as soon as possible.

Photography and video consent form template

Topics: Photographing children Type: Forms

A template that sports organisations can use to create their own photography and filming consent form.

Sample acceptable use statement for the internet and social media

Topics: Online safety Type: Forms

Sample statement for sports clubs to help make children and parents aware of their policies on acceptable behaviour on the internet and social media.

Inter-school competition (level 2) – safe event planning

Topics: Trips, events and travel Community and school sports Type: Forms

This flowchart has been developed to support safe event planning for inter-school competition (level 2). The information is intended to complement the detailed guidance, Safe sport events, activities and competitions (SSE).

School Games festival (level 3) – safe event planning

Topics: Trips, events and travel Community and school sports Type: Forms

This flowchart has been developed to support safe event planning for level-3 School Games. The information is intended to complement the detailed guidance, Safe sports events, activities and competitions (SSE).

Reporting of safeguarding concerns at sports events

Topics: Trips, events and travel Duty of care Community and school sports Type: Forms

These reporting-procedure flowcharts offer guidance to organisations hosting sporting events at 5 different levels, from local to international.