Acceptable use statement templates for online platforms. For organisations to help make all aware of their policies on acceptable behaviour when using devices, online platforms and the Internet.
This template policy gives organisations guidelines they should outline to protect children and young people online.
This safeguarding reporting-procedure flowchart provide guidance for organisations on reporting concerns.
In this podcast episode, Liza Ware, CPSU Senior Consultant, discusses keeping children and young people safe online with fellow colleagues from the NSPCC online safety team.
In this episode, Samantha Lawrence and Louisa Street explore how adults can support children and young people in reducing harm and building digital resilience in the online world.
A template and sample safeguarding policy statement for sports and physical activity organisations to use and adapt. Outlines what the organisation will do to keep children safe.
In this podcast episode, Liza Ware, CPSU Senior Consultant, discusses keeping children and young people safe online with fellow colleagues from the NSPCC online safety team.
Sports organisations can download, print and use these sample codes of conduct to let parents, children and staff know what's expected of them.
This briefing provides guidance about arranging appropriate supervision ratios for children's sporting activities.
In this webinar, we discuss how community clubs and activity providers can start their safeguarding journey. CPSU’s Jude Toasland is joined by colleagues Joe Cartwright, Liza Ware and Rachel Stevens.