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Supervising children's sport and activities

Topics: Supervision ratio Type: Best practice

This briefing provides guidance about arranging appropriate supervision ratios for children's sporting activities. 

Mental Health Charter for Sport and Recreation

Topics: Mental health and wellbeing Athlete wellbeing Type: Best practice

The charter aims to influence the sports sector to support athletes' mental wellbeing and change the stigma around mental health. 

RFU guidance on obtaining best evidence from children

Topics: Case management Type: Best practice

This guidance from the Rugby Football Union provides advice about how to support a child witness giving evidence during disciplinary hearings.

Case management group – membership

Topics: Case management Type: Best practice

This guidance details the roles and responsibilities of members of a case management group.

Case management group – terms of reference

Topics: Case management Type: Best practice

This guidance is an example of a case management group's terms of reference.

Working together to safeguard children

Topics: Case management Safeguarding standards Type: Best practice

Working together to safeguard children, statutory guidance on inter-agency working to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.

Positions of trust – FAQs about the changes

Topics: Duty of care Inappropriate or concerning behaviour Safe recruitment Type: Best practice

We have put together a document to answer your frequently asked questions about this change to the law regarding positions of trust. 

Preventing abuse in positions of trust in sport and activity

Topics: Inappropriate or concerning behaviour Type: Best practice

These briefing papers explain positions of trust in sport and dance and outline the legislation which was updated in June 2022 in response to the NSPCC's Close the Loophole campaign.

Guidance on child protection records retention and storage

Topics: Case management Type: Best practice

Guidelines for the retention, storage and destruction of records relating to child welfare concerns or concerns about possible risk posed by employees.

Building positive parent–coach relationships – strategies for coaches

Topics: Duty of care Trips, events and travel Parents in sport Type: Best practice

This guidance provides coaches with helpful strategies to follow to improve and manage potential issues between coaches and parents and build a good relationship.