These leaflets, developed by the Disclosure and Barring Service, offer guidance to the sports sector on the eligibility of different roles based on levels of responsibility.
Download a free NSPCC poster, especially designed for sports clubs and leisure centres to highlight how you can contact the NSPCC helpline with your concerns.
The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) has published a report looking at the research findings in relation to experiences of child sexual abuse in sport between the 1950s and 2010s.
This publication from Nacro guides National Governing Bodies through the process of making safe and fair membership decisions about those with criminal records.
Here are some key tips that organisations can follow to create a culture of psychological safety and promote the wellbeing and performance of their athletes.
Parents can use this leaflet to help choose the right club or activity for their child. It lists the safeguards that sports bodies should have in place to keep children safe.
Dec 2021 Revised. UK Sport and Sport England have published a new Code for Sports Governance. Its policies and processes cover the crucial safeguarding elements needed for a well-run organisation.
This A4 poster has been designed to reach out to coaches and clubs with top tips on how to get started when it comes to involving parents in sport.
Sport England - Uniting the Movement. A 10-year strategy, launched in 2021 with a vision to transform lives and communities through sport and physical activity.
Download these free posters to help you signpost everyone within your organisation to who they can talk to if they have a concern.