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Building a collective culture of safety

Topics: Athlete wellbeing Involving children and young people Parents in sport Mental health and wellbeing Type: Video & audio

In this episode, Connor from the NSPCC Young Person's Board for Change interviews our safeguarding panel about how to build a collective culture of safety within sport.

My No.1 Fan

Topics: Parents in sport Type: Video & audio

In this video, children describe how parents' and spectators' behaviour impacts their game and how this affects them.

Keeping Your Child Safe in Sport animation

Topics: Parents in sport Type: Video & audio

This short animation has been produced as part of our Keeping Your Child Safe in Sport campaign launch to introduce the campaign and what parents should do to keep their child safe.

The evolution of parental involvement in sport

Topics: Parents in sport Type: Video & audio

As part of the NSPCC How Safe 2022 conference, CPSU consultant Jude Toasland led a session looking at how parental involvement in sport has changed over the years.

Speaking out in sport – for parents

Topics: Parents in sport Athlete wellbeing Type: Video & audio

This short animation helps parents to understand why it's important that everyone plays a role in keeping children safe in sport and how to speak out if they have any concerns. 

The basics of safeguarding

Topics: Parents in sport Elite athletes Type: Video & audio

In this podcast, we discuss what safeguards sports clubs and organisations should have in place to create a safe environment for all children and young people.

Parenting young people in competitive sport

Topics: Parents in sport Elite athletes Type: Video & audio

In the second of our podcasts on parental involvement, we talk about the different situations and challenges parents of children in competitive sport face.

Parents' grass-roots involvement in sport

Topics: Deaf and disabled children Parents in sport Type: Video & audio

In this podcast, we hear from two dedicated sports parents who discuss the very different roles they play in their preschool and disabled children's sports.

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