Our Help and Advice section has hub pages on specific safeguarding topics, which provide an overview, guidance and a list of resources. This page looks at how parents play a key role in sport, how you can get them involved and how to encourage positive behaviour on the sidelines.
Developed just for parents, this is our one-stop shop for advice, information, e-learning, videos and other resources for them to help keep children and young people safe in sport.
Sports organisations can download, print and use these sample codes of conduct to let parents, children and staff know what's expected of them.
In this video, children describe how parents' and spectators' behaviour impacts their game and how this affects them.
Parents can use this leaflet to help choose the right club or activity for their child. It lists the safeguards that sports bodies should have in place to keep children safe.
This guidance provides coaches with helpful strategies to follow to improve and manage potential issues between coaches and parents and build a good relationship.
This guidance (PDF) aims help coaches understand, support, and educate parents, helping to improve overall parental involvement and allowing children to have more enjoyable sporting experiences.
Parental feedback, support and behaviour all play a vital role in a child's enjoyment and experience of sport. This guidance for parents provides tips for how to support and encourage your child and become positively involved in their sporting experience.
A presentation template (in PowerPoint format) that you can show to parents to let them know how they can get positively involved in their child's sport.
This A4 poster has been designed to reach out to coaches and clubs with top tips on how to get started when it comes to involving parents in sport.