The Scottish Standards for Child Wellbeing and Protection in Sport supports organisations to create a culture of safeguarding and protecting children.
The charter aims to influence the sports sector to support athletes' mental wellbeing and change the stigma around mental health.
In this episode, Connor from the NSPCC Young Person's Board for Change interviews our safeguarding panel about how to build a collective culture of safety within sport.
Competitions can be emotional for children, parents and coaches, so ensuring that feedback is well-timed and delivered appropriately is very important.
Good-practice guidance from the NHS on heat health. It lists risks and actions to consider when planning sports events.
A resource to help sports organisations to positively and meaningfully engage with people who have lived experience of childhood abuse.
This briefing paper outlines each recommendation from The Whyte Review and the implications for the sports sector, including any actions planned by the CPSU.
You can adapt this mental health and wellbeing sample statement to support your sports organisation's existing safeguarding policies and to demonstrate your commitment to protecting young people’s mental health and wellbeing.
This guidance explores anxiety within a sports context, outlining possible signs and symptoms and what you should do if you suspect that a young person is struggling with an anxiety disorder.