More topics:

Working together to safeguard children

Topics: Case management Safeguarding standards Type: Best practice

Working together to safeguard children, statutory guidance on inter-agency working to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.

Preventing abuse in positions of trust in sport and activity

Topics: Inappropriate or concerning behaviour Type: Best practice

These briefing papers explain positions of trust in sport and dance and outline the legislation which was updated in June 2022 in response to the NSPCC's Close the Loophole campaign.

Positions of trust – FAQs about the changes

Topics: Duty of care Inappropriate or concerning behaviour Safe recruitment Type: Best practice

We have put together a document to answer your frequently asked questions about this change to the law regarding positions of trust. 

Building positive parent–coach relationships – strategies for coaches

Topics: Duty of care Trips, events and travel Parents in sport Type: Best practice

This guidance provides coaches with helpful strategies to follow to improve and manage potential issues between coaches and parents and build a good relationship.

Negotiating the post-game conversation

Topics: Duty of care Athlete wellbeing Type: Best practice

Competitions can be emotional for children, parents and coaches, so ensuring that feedback is well-timed and delivered appropriately is very important. 

How to improve parental involvement in your club – recommendations for coaches

Topics: Parents in sport Type: Best practice

This guidance (PDF) aims help coaches understand, support, and educate parents, helping to improve overall parental involvement and allowing children to have more enjoyable sporting experiences.

How can you get involved in your child's sports club?

Topics: Parents in sport Type: Best practice

Parental feedback, support and behaviour all play a vital role in a child's enjoyment and experience of sport. This guidance for parents provides tips for how to support and encourage your child and become positively involved in their sporting experience.

Heatwave advice

Topics: Trips, events and travel Athlete wellbeing Type: Best practice

Good-practice guidance from the NHS on heat health. It lists risks and actions to consider when planning sports events.

Away day trips

Topics: Trips, events and travel Type: Best practice

This briefing highlights things that should be considered when taking children and young people away on trips – such as travel, ratios and insurance.

Events held in public parks and spaces – additional safeguarding considerations

Topics: Trips, events and travel Type: Best practice

Running events in public spaces can present a variety of additional safeguarding challenges, including security and photography. This briefing will help your organisation identify and address potential issues.