This webinar looks at how loneliness can be both a sign and symptom of mental ill health in children and young people, and what sports clubs and organisations can do to tackle loneliness.
This webinar looks at the differences between banter and bullying, what sports organisations can do to manage banter and prevent bullying behaviour.
This webinar looks at what sports can do to support young people with ADHD and Autism.
In this webinar, we discuss how community clubs and activity providers can start their safeguarding journey. CPSU’s Jude Toasland is joined by colleagues Joe Cartwright, Liza Ware and Rachel Stevens.
A CPSU webinar looking at young people in positions of trust in sport and the move from participant to a formal role.
This webinar looks at how racism affects sport and what clubs and organisations can do to be more inclusive.
In this webinar, we consider why LGBTQ+ young people may be additionally vulnerable to abuse and explore how clubs can include and support them.
This webinar looks at sexual offending and the grooming and entrapment process and what that means in the sporting environment.
A recorded webinar on eating disorders and disordered eating in young people in sport. It looks at ways of identifying and managing potential eating problems.
This webinar looks at what Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are, the effects this has on the developing brain and how sport can help overcome toxic stress.