More topics:

Photography and video consent form template

Topics: Photographing children Type: Forms

A template that sports organisations can use to create their own photography and filming consent form.

Preventing abuse in positions of trust in sport and activity

Topics: Inappropriate or concerning behaviour Type: Best practice

These briefing papers explain positions of trust in sport and dance and outline the legislation which was updated in June 2022 in response to the NSPCC's Close the Loophole campaign.

Self-declaration forms

Topics: Safe recruitment Type: Forms

Self-declaration can be part of an organisation's safer recruitment process, it can provide additional information that a DBS check will not.

Safe use of changing facilities

Topics: Safe use of changing facilities Type: Best practice

This briefing provides guidance on how to safeguard children and young people when they are using changing facilities, and includes recommended levels of adult supervision and examples of changing room policies.

Sample safeguarding policy statement

Topics: Safeguarding standards Type: Policies

A template safeguarding policy statement for organisations to use and adapt to make it clear to staff, parents and children what you will do to keep children safe.

Protecting children from grooming and sexual abuse

Topics: Athlete wellbeing Inappropriate or concerning behaviour Type: Best practice

Advice about reducing the risk of the grooming process taking place to prevent children from being sexually harmed.

Sample codes of conduct for parents, children and staff

Topics: Parents in sport Inappropriate or concerning behaviour Involving children and young people Safe recruitment Type: Policies

Sports organisations can download, print and use these sample codes of conduct to let parents, children and staff know what's expected of them. 

Standards for safeguarding and protecting children in sport

Topics: Safeguarding standards Type: Tools

Standards providing a framework for everyone involved in sport to help them create a safe sporting environment for children and young people and protect them from harm.

Sports club registration and consent form

Topics: Duty of care Type: Forms

A template for sports organisations to create their own registration and consent forms.

My No.1 Fan

Topics: Parents in sport Type: Video & audio

In this video, children describe how parents' and spectators' behaviour impacts their game and how this affects them.