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Standards for Child Wellbeing and Protection in Sport (Scotland)

Topics: Safeguarding standards Athlete wellbeing Type: Tools

The Scottish Standards for Child Wellbeing and Protection in Sport supports organisations to create a culture of safeguarding and protecting children. 

Working together to safeguard children

Topics: Case management Safeguarding standards Type: Best practice

Working together to safeguard children, statutory guidance on inter-agency working to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.

A Code for Sports Governance

Topics: Safeguarding standards Type: Publications

Dec 2021 Revised. UK Sport and Sport England have published a new Code for Sports Governance. Its policies and processes cover the crucial safeguarding elements needed for a well-run organisation.

Club welfare officer – job description template

Topics: Safeguarding standards Type: Forms

Use this sample job description as a template to assist you when recruiting for a club welfare officer role.

Lead safeguarding officer – job description template

Topics: Safeguarding standards Type: Forms

This template provides a sample job description for a lead safeguarding officer role in the context of protecting children in sport.

Regional or county safeguarding officer – job description template

Topics: Safeguarding standards Type: Forms

A sample job description for a regional or county safeguarding officer role, which you can use as a template when recruiting.

Self-assessment tools

Topics: Safeguarding standards Type: Tools

Is your organisation doing everything it could be to keep children and young people safe in sport? These online self-assessment tools will help you find out.

Check and Challenge Tool

Topics: Safeguarding standards Community and school sports Type: Tools

This simple-to-use checklist has been developed to support organisations using external providers to offer sport and physical activity delivery for children and young people.

International safeguards for children in sport

Topics: Safeguarding standards Type: Tools

These safeguards outline what should be put in place by any organisation providing sports activities to children and young people.

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