A practical guide to carrying out safeguarding investigations from Sport Resolutions.
In this podcast, we talk with former swimmer Karen Leach about her experience of childhood sexual abuse and what we can learn from it to keep children safe in sport.
In this podcast, we discuss the benefits of listening to children and young people with Rugby Football League (RFL) and find out more their listening club initiative.
A safeguarding checklist to support the leisure industry to meet their safeguarding responsibilities for both children and adults.
Guidance to help sports clubs and organisations risk assess any safeguarding concerns around the membership of people with criminal records. This briefing paper highlights what needs to be done to ensure decisions made are fair and safe.
This short animation shows the difference between child protection and safeguarding in a sports setting and looks in more depth at how children and young people can be further protected beyond their time at training sessions.
This report, published in April 2017, followed a review of the Duty of Care that sport has towards participants. The review was led by Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson.
This briefing outlines the issues arising from bad weather conditions prior to and during an event, which assist in your decision-making.
A template safeguarding policy statement for organisations to use and adapt to make it clear to staff, parents and children what you will do to keep children safe.
This briefing outlines a consistent approach to decisions about the eligibility of pool lifeguards for Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks.