A CPSU template you can use to create your own incident reporting form.
A sample form to be used when a child goes missing or is found alone at a sports event.
An induction checklist to help a new starter / volunteer settle in as soon as possible.
A template that sports organisations can use to create their own photography and filming consent form.
Sample statement for sports clubs to help make children and parents aware of their policies on acceptable behaviour on the internet and social media.
Advice about reducing the risk of the grooming process taking place to prevent children from being sexually harmed.
The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) has published a report looking at the research findings in relation to experiences of child sexual abuse in sport between the 1950s and 2010s.
The purpose of this briefing paper is to clarify what an organisation's duty of care entails, and to provide some guidance as to what steps can be taken in order to demonstrate that this duty is being met.
This webinar looks at sexual offending and the grooming and entrapment process and what that means in the sporting environment.
In this podcast, we explore the how sports organisations can keep children and young people safe whilst participating in virtual sport and physical activity.