We have put together a document to answer your frequently asked questions about this change to the law regarding positions of trust.
This research article defines overuse injuries and overtraining syndrome. It looks at how prevalent they are in sport and how to reduce the risks for young athletes.
This webinar looks at the differences between banter and bullying, what sports organisations can do to manage banter and prevent bullying behaviour.
Here are some key tips that organisations can follow to create a culture of psychological safety and promote the wellbeing and performance of their athletes.
In this video, children describe how parents' and spectators' behaviour impacts their game and how this affects them.
Parents can use this leaflet to help choose the right club or activity for their child. It lists the safeguards that sports bodies should have in place to keep children safe.
Download a free NSPCC poster, especially designed for sports clubs and leisure centres to highlight how you can contact the NSPCC helpline with your concerns.
Dec 2021 Revised. UK Sport and Sport England have published a new Code for Sports Governance. Its policies and processes cover the crucial safeguarding elements needed for a well-run organisation.
This guidance provides coaches with helpful strategies to follow to improve and manage potential issues between coaches and parents and build a good relationship.
Competitions can be emotional for children, parents and coaches, so ensuring that feedback is well-timed and delivered appropriately is very important.