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Risk-assessment template following an incident or safeguarding concern

Topics: Case management Duty of care Type: Forms

A Risk-assessment template to be adapted by organisations to be used after an incident or safeguarding concern has occurred. 

Creating safer cultures in sport – Learning from lived experience

Topics: Athlete wellbeing Elite athletes Duty of care Type: Video & audio

In this podcast, we talk with former professional footballer Paul Stewart about the impact that childhood abuse has had on him and how to create a safer culture in sport.

Working with young people in a drop-in environment

Topics: Community and school sports Type: Best practice

This briefing has been developed to help anyone planning to work with children and young people in drop-in activities.

Reporting safeguarding concerns in the FA

Topics: Anti-bullying Deaf and disabled children Safeguarding standards Inappropriate or concerning behaviour Type: Video & audio

The FA has produced a video detailing the reporting process for anyone worried about a child in youth football.

Speaking out in sport – for parents

Topics: Parents in sport Athlete wellbeing Type: Video & audio

This short animation helps parents to understand why it's important that everyone plays a role in keeping children safe in sport and how to speak out if they have any concerns. 

Body image, weight management and disordered eating in sport

Topics: Athlete wellbeing Elite athletes Type: Video & audio

In this podcast mini series, we'll talk with Dr Carolyn Plateau we'll be talking about disordered eating and eating disorders in sport. 

Guidelines on transporting a child or young person in your car

Topics: Trips, events and travel Type: Best practice

This briefing highlights best practice for adults when transporting children to and from sporting activities.

Example risk assessment for people under investigation or with DBS content

Topics: Case management Safe recruitment Type: Best practice

An example of a safeguarding risk assessment procedure from Basketball England.

Case management tool

Topics: Case management Type: Tools

This case management tool provides links to a range of resources to help your organisation manage safeguarding cases more effectively.

Managing safeguarding cases in sport

Topics: Case management Type: Video & audio

In this podcast, we discuss how to effectively manage safeguarding cases with the lead officers from England Boxing, British Canoeing and British Judo.