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5 questions to ask your child's sports club

Topics: Parents in sport Safeguarding standards Type: Publications

This poster has been designed to encourage parents to ask the right questions when choosing a club for their child. 

Eating disorders and disordered eating in sport

Topics: Mental health and wellbeing Athlete wellbeing Type: Webinars

A recorded webinar on eating disorders and disordered eating in young people in sport. It looks at ways of identifying and managing potential eating problems.

Parents workshops – best practice example

Topics: Parents in sport Type: Best practice

Use this model for parents workshops from Welsh Gymnastics to set-up regular meetings with parents and develop better relationships. 

Standards for safeguarding and protecting children in sport

Topics: Safeguarding standards Type: Tools

Standards providing a framework for everyone involved in sport to help them create a safe sporting environment for children and young people and protect them from harm.

Homophobic and transphobic bullying in youth sport

Topics: Anti-bullying Type: Best practice

This briefing provides a definition of homophobic and transphobic bullying, statistics and recommendations for how to prevent and respond to incidents.

Safeguarding LGBTQ+ young people in sport

Topics: Athlete wellbeing Involving children and young people Type: Webinars

In this webinar, we consider why LGBTQ+ young people may be additionally vulnerable to abuse and explore how clubs can include and support them. 

DBS and referral processes in sport

Topics: Safe recruitment Type: Webinars

In this webinar, we hear from experts within the Disclosure and Barring Service about the referral process and what this means for sports.

Making safe and fair decisions about membership

Topics: Case management Type: Publications

This publication from Nacro guides National Governing Bodies through the process of making safe and fair membership decisions about those with criminal records. 

Inter-school competition (level 2) – safe event planning

Topics: Trips, events and travel Community and school sports Type: Forms

This flowchart has been developed to support safe event planning for inter-school competition (level 2). The information is intended to complement the detailed guidance, Safe sport events, activities and competitions (SSE).

School Games festival (level 3) – safe event planning

Topics: Trips, events and travel Community and school sports Type: Forms

This flowchart has been developed to support safe event planning for level-3 School Games. The information is intended to complement the detailed guidance, Safe sports events, activities and competitions (SSE).