As part of the NSPCC How Safe 2022 conference, CPSU consultant Jude Toasland led a session looking at how parental involvement in sport has changed over the years.
You can adapt this mental health and wellbeing sample statement to support your sports organisation's existing safeguarding policies and to demonstrate your commitment to protecting young people’s mental health and wellbeing.
This guidance highlights what safeguards you should have in place when involving young people in mixed age activities or sports.
An essential safety checklist for sports organisations that are planning trips away overnight and internationally.
A risk-assessment template to help you identify the risks and implement appropriate controls to help ensure a safe environment at your activity.
This briefing discusses the additional considerations that you should plan for when going on overnight trips or travelling internationally with children and young people in your sports organisation
This guidance explores anxiety within a sports context, outlining possible signs and symptoms and what you should do if you suspect that a young person is struggling with an anxiety disorder.
Self-declaration can be part of an organisation's safer recruitment process, it can provide additional information that a DBS check will not.
The briefing on learning from inquiries about safeguarding practice in sport focuses on how to strengthen safeguarding practices in sports organisations by learning from previous reviews.
This template letter will help sports organisations and activity providers when writing to individuals to notify them of a temporary suspension pending an investigation of allegations made against them.