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Away day trips checklist

Topics: Trips, events and travel Type: Forms

Our essential away day trips safety checklist for sport organisations.

Safe use of changing facilities

Topics: Safe use of changing facilities Type: Best practice

This briefing provides guidance on how to safeguard children and young people when they are using changing facilities, and includes recommended levels of adult supervision and examples of changing room policies.

Loneliness and mental health in sport

Topics: Elite athletes Mental health and wellbeing Type: Webinars

This webinar looks at how loneliness can be both a sign and symptom of mental ill health in children and young people, and what sports clubs and organisations can do to tackle loneliness. 

Remote teaching and coaching

Topics: Online safety Type: Best practice

Safeguarding guidance for sports organisations and clubs on online teaching and coaching to help them stay in touch with teams and club members during the coronavirus pandemic. 

Check and Challenge Tool

Topics: Safeguarding standards Community and school sports Type: Tools

This simple-to-use checklist has been developed to support organisations using external providers to offer sport and physical activity delivery for children and young people.

Responding to reports of non-recent abuse in sport

Topics: Case management Type: Best practice

This guidance advises sports organisations on the types of procedures they should have in place to respond to reports of non-recent abuse in sport. 

International safeguards for children in sport

Topics: Safeguarding standards Type: Tools

These safeguards outline what should be put in place by any organisation providing sports activities to children and young people.

Parents workshops – best practice example

Topics: Parents in sport Type: Best practice

Use this model for parents workshops from Welsh Gymnastics to set-up regular meetings with parents and develop better relationships. 

Missing children and young people at sports events: procedure and flow chart

Topics: Safeguarding standards Type: Policies

A sample missing children at sports events procedure from the NSPCC Child Protection in Sport Unit.

Recognising and responding to harmful sexual behaviour displayed by young people

Topics: Inappropriate or concerning behaviour Type: Best practice

This briefing provides an overview of harmful sexual behaviour in children and young people and recommends ways in which to address worrying behaviour.