This report, published in April 2017, followed a review of the Duty of Care that sport has towards participants. The review was led by Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson.
A sample job description for a regional or county safeguarding officer role, which you can use as a template when recruiting.
This briefing paper will help you understand your safeguarding roles and responsibilities when working or volunteering at a sporting event.
A presentation template (in PowerPoint format) that you can show to parents to let them know how they can get positively involved in their child's sport.
Sample statement for sports clubs to help make children and parents aware of their policies on acceptable behaviour on the internet and social media.
In this podcast, we discuss what safeguards sports clubs and organisations should have in place to create a safe environment for all children and young people.
In this podcast, we discuss the benefits of listening to children and young people with Rugby Football League (RFL) and find out more their listening club initiative.
This publication from Nacro guides National Governing Bodies through the process of making safe and fair membership decisions about those with criminal records.
This online tool will help you to ensure that you meet the safeguarding responsibilities for your sports event, from playing in a local park up to representing their country.
This briefing has been developed to help anyone planning to work with children and young people in drop-in activities.